Category: demo

How to get the “Connect” Windows app back on your Windows device

For the past year, I have been giving sessions on the Microsoft Teams mobile app. To show my Android mobile phone on the screen of my Windows 10 PC, I used the Connect app. But when I moved to another machine, it wasn’t installed anymore. Connect used to come by default in Windows 10 machines, …


4 Sessions in one day.. #M365VM

Use color-coding in your Teams Team picture to define types of collaboration

Nakijken of je email adres een gekend Microsoft account is

Indien je gaat samenwerken met een organisatie die bijvoorbeeld Office 365 gebruikt, dient je email adres een gekend Microsoft account te zijn. Dit kan je heel eenvoudig nagaan, en indien het nog niet gekend is eenvoudig aanmaken. Ga hiervoor naar: (in een incognito scherm), voer je email adres in en klik op “Next”. Indien er …

Hide dropdown items from lookup field in SharePoint via jQuery

Kickstarter platform for SharePoint to service good ideas

Kickstarter is a hot new social way to get investors warm for your product idea. It markets itself as a “funding platform for creative projects”. Those creative projects can be food, design, fashion, art, comics, games, technology, music, …  The deal is that you design a Kickstarter page,  stating all cool stuff your product would …

Playing games as part of your analysis process

Everyone who has been in a meeting or process to develop something new knows that it is hard. You have to be able to do abstract thinking, visualise designs and structures in your mind, be innovative, be constructive. You have to get the viewpoint of your customer, your target audience, the benefits, the hows and …

Intranet Launch video’s and teasers

Try SharePoint 2013 Preview for free via Office365 or Cloudshare

If you, like me, are not a full blown IT-pro or have other difficulties setting up the Windows Server and SharePoint 2013 Preview (or just no time), you don’t have to!

Here are some free online alternatives!