Category: installation

How to get the “Connect” Windows app back on your Windows device

For the past year, I have been giving sessions on the Microsoft Teams mobile app. To show my Android mobile phone on the screen of my Windows 10 PC, I used the Connect app. But when I moved to another machine, it wasn’t installed anymore. Connect used to come by default in Windows 10 machines, …

SharePoint 2013 End User changes when moving to ‘https’

An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, “SPSolutionLanguagePack Name=0 Parent=SPSolution Name=yoursolution.wsp”, depends on other objects which do not exist.

At a client, I was trying to add a solution and got this error in both PowerShell as Stsadm: An object in the SharePoint administrative framework, “SPSolutionLanguagePack Name=0 Parent=SPSolution Name=yoursolution.wsp”, depends on other objects which do not exist.  Ensure that all of the objects dependencies are created and retry this operation. yoursolution.wsp: The Solution installation …

Try SharePoint 2013 Preview for free via Office365 or Cloudshare

If you, like me, are not a full blown IT-pro or have other difficulties setting up the Windows Server and SharePoint 2013 Preview (or just no time), you don’t have to!

Here are some free online alternatives!

Service Account recommendations for SharePoint 2007 – 2010

Todd Klindt just wrote on his blog a list of recommended service accounts. This list is useful for new SharePoint installations: You can mail the list to the client so they can come up with the accounts before you go in to install.

installing SharePoint 2010 – great script

So, you are ready to install SharePoint 2010 ? You can follow this script by Craig Humpfrey, which gives a lot of good info on the subject and has links to a lot of debugging posts and other good scripts!

Failed to connect to database server – install SharePoint 2010 – named pipes

At a client I tried to install SharePoint 2010. It could not find my named instance of the database. When I enabled Named Pipes, it worked however. How to enable Named Pipes: – go to your database server – go to the SQL Server Configuration Manager – Go to SQL Server Network Configuration – Protocols …