Category: wiki

Hide “Updated pages” in Office 365 wiki

The code to hide “Updated Pages” part on wiki libraries has changed somewhat from older versions of SharePoint. The code now is: Simply add a “Content Editor webpart” on your page. Go the html source and add the following script. The script just hides the block via CSS.

Playing games as part of your analysis process

Everyone who has been in a meeting or process to develop something new knows that it is hard. You have to be able to do abstract thinking, visualise designs and structures in your mind, be innovative, be constructive. You have to get the viewpoint of your customer, your target audience, the benefits, the hows and …

MIKE 2.0: Open Source standard for Information Management

Hide Recently modified items in SharePoint 2010 wiki

What are you talking about ? In SharePoint 2010, when you are working with a wiki or Site Pages library, a new menu appears on the quick launch navigation telling you which documents were recently modified. That is great to know, but if you are using the library for publishing purposes, your end-users don’t need …