Category: Governance


4 Sessions in one day.. #M365VM

Office 365 Distilled EP 34: Surfing on the application governance wave

Another governance episode, this time all about application governance! Steve and Marijn think about all the fun they would with have with the warm temperature when they would be at Microsoft Virtual 365 Spain, if it was in real life instead of virtual. Marijn has a session with Jussi Mori to talk about user adoption, …

Office 365 Distilled EP 32: Stream baseline governance and a lockdown whisky

Did you like our new intro and outro ? We love it!! A brilliant way to start our new “stream” of information! Are you #WFH at the moment? We got a brilliant lockdown question from Dylan Hayes: What whisky would we have snapped before the lockdown got into place? What would we get, together with …

How can you prepare for Project Cortex?

Office 365 Distilled EP 24: Using a Ponzi pyramid scheme for adoption

Marijn has some fun learning all about Shifts in Teams and learns he needs to be an owner in order to put his work dates in. We talk about making your governance futureproof and discuss how implementing a Ponzi type pyramid scheme would benefit our user adoption. Futureproof governance We have been talking about governance …

Office 365 Distilled EP 23: Taking a spray can and scalpel to Ignite 2019

The second podcast from Ignite! After some smoky dragon puffs (nitrogen cooked cheetos) we are ready to bring our spray can and scalpel! We had lots of fun with Albert Hoitingh, Corinna Lins and Antje Lamartine in the Microsoft Security VR room, where we had to work together to stop a hacker by solving puzzles. …

Office 365 Distilled EP 22: Where Steve and Marijn look at trust @Ignite

Steve and Marijn are at Ignite 2019 in Orlando, and taking advantage of the sweet setup that is offered at the Podcast center for podcast rockstars. And that is us! The main topic is the importance of trust when talking about tech intensity. We talk about the new stuff that is coming out: Flow becomes …

Office 365 Distilled EP 21: Community is awesome… from SPS Belgium

Steve and Marijn act as roaving reporters on SPS belgium! We are also becoming whisky snobs.. We did a live podcast, which didn’t go as well as we thought.. People had a long day, sound was not good from the back and Steve was on a roll. So let’s not try that again 🙂 Numbers …

Office 365 Distilled EP 20: Applying Baseline Governance to all the O365 Apps pt.2

Marijn and Steve look forward to Ignite 2019, and discuss how they are going to celebrate the first anniversary of the podcast. After that, the manbun discussion and the live podcast at SPSBE they get back to the baseline governance journey, as they did in part 1 you can listen to here. Sway As we …

Office 365 Distilled EP 19: Applying Baseline Governance to all the O365 Apps pt.1

Let’s talk practical governance in this episode of the podcast: the art of applying baseline governance. We already talked about this concept in episode 3, but we wanted to dig a little deeper this time. This episode consists of 2 parts, where Steve and Marijn talk through baseline governance for all Office 365 apps. After …