Category: Adoption

Office 365 Distilled EP52: The Big Three Adoption Propositions

You might think this episode is all about Formula 1, but it is actually all about adoption; more specific about the biggest 3 adoption propositions that we can think of in Microsoft 365. This means, going through the core applications (Outlook, SharePoint and Teams) and talking about what feature gives us the best value! Adoption …

Office 365 Distilled EP 46: ‘AD-OP-SHUN’ and “OCK-UN-TOSH-UN” Both challenging!

We are talking about Teams adoption today! And taste a great whisky too! Why do Teams need a different kind of adoption approach? Is it just the complexity? Or is it the fact that Teams require a different way of working for people (aka a people change instead of just a technology change)? People need …

Office 365 Distilled EP 36: Cortana on the islands of Cuba and Orkney

Steve and Marijn are still worlds apart, so will not be enjoying a whisky together.. But that doesn’t keep them from talking about some geographical arbitrages for Bookings in Cuba and Orkney! After a Chuck Berry intro by Steve, we start talking governance needs after Teams is rolled out and how we can use Microsoft …

Office 365 Distilled EP 35: B2IT and the lost discussion on Search

Steve and Marijn are realizing that Stream deprecating the feature “who is saying what when” might be their fault.. For once we know what we want to talk about: search and the way we want to let the business drive the decision making process! Steve did some home repair on his Surface Book, and realized …


4 Sessions in one day.. #M365VM

Use color-coding in your Teams Team picture to define types of collaboration

Office 365 Distilled EP 26: With friends in a bar at Christmas

I realize that, when I am writing this, spring is in the air and we are all “snowed in” by the Corona virus. But I still have fond memories of events like this Christmas gettogether, where we get together with friends and talk about the things we hold dear: Christmas, Office 365 and whisky! Great …

Blame the enduser: Top tips to unscrew-up user adoption in Office 365 (live from M365MADVirtual)

This year, SPS Madrid 2020 was rebranded to “Microsoft 365 Madrid Virtual”. 2 days of awesome presentations were presented, all via Youtube livestreamed! Big kudos to the people that organised it!Jussi Mori and me did our Blame The End User style webcast to give top tips to unscrew-up the user adoption in Office 365! While …

Office 365 Distilled EP 24: Using a Ponzi pyramid scheme for adoption

Marijn has some fun learning all about Shifts in Teams and learns he needs to be an owner in order to put his work dates in. We talk about making your governance futureproof and discuss how implementing a Ponzi type pyramid scheme would benefit our user adoption. Futureproof governance We have been talking about governance …

Office 365 Distilled EP 18: Cor Blimey is an O365 influencer

Blimey! Episode 18 allready! Steve and me are discovering new words in the english language. We start by talking about Ignite 2019, the sense and nonsense of unconferences, all the work that Anna Chu has to do to select the speakers while drinking her nitro-brew. We talk about what sessions we send in and how …