Category: codeplex

Kickstarter platform for SharePoint to service good ideas

Kickstarter is a hot new social way to get investors warm for your product idea. It markets itself as a “funding platform for creative projects”. Those creative projects can be food, design, fashion, art, comics, games, technology, music, …  The deal is that you design a Kickstarter page,  stating all cool stuff your product would …

SharePoint 2010 Filtered lookup lets you add a lookup from a site in your collection

Configure PDF iFilter on 64 bit machines

The indexing of PDF’s at a client was not working. Together with a coworker (tnx Robbert Kloosterman) we fixed it by changing a registry value.   Round up: 1. install PDF iFilter for 64 bit 2. install the icon (easy fix: ttp:// 3. start – run – regedit 4.  go  to “\\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\OfficeServer\12.0\Search\Applications\{site GUID}\Gather\Portal_Content\Extensions\ExtensionList 5. add …

PDF icon on SharePoint: easy codeplex setup

I used this codeplex project at a client this week: a very easy way to install the PDF logo on a SharePoint Server. Simple “next-next-finish” type of installation, saves you some time. For a detailed explanation on how to add the icon manually, click here.

Extend SharePoint Designer with custom activities

Workflow in SharePoint is getting better for user-created workflows: power to the people on the workplace

Workflow in SharePoint is one of the strong points of the 2007 platform. Every project I did had workflow items on it, and there are 4 ways to do workflow: – use out-of-the-box functionalities: this is basically based on: change your workflow to match the sharepoint one. Great if you have a small budget and …