Category: jquery / javascript

Limit the amount of newsfeed posts shown in a SharePoint 2013 site

Issue with javascript / jquery not firing on a SharePoint 2013 page or masterpage?

Excellent overview on hiding Office365 top elements with javascript

Here is an excellent overview by”Learning SharePoint“on what the various top level elements on your SharePoint online are and how to hide them if you want to! In short (mostly for my own reference): You can find much more information and code on the website!

Change the Title of a SharePoint 2013 site with JavaScript

Hide the “created by” and “last modified by” on a SharePoint 2013 dispform with JavaScript

Hide dropdown items from lookup field in SharePoint via jQuery

SPSUK: slides and demo code for “Start to jQuery”

Making links open in a different window via jQuery

SharePoint Saturday Belgium slides

Want to display a SharePoint list from another site collection? Use these 2 lines of jquery script!