Category: search

Office 365 Distilled EP 38: Cask strength user content with tears

Office 365 Distilled EP 35: B2IT and the lost discussion on Search

Steve and Marijn are realizing that Stream deprecating the feature “who is saying what when” might be their fault.. For once we know what we want to talk about: search and the way we want to let the business drive the decision making process! Steve did some home repair on his Surface Book, and realized …

How can you prepare for Project Cortex?

Difference between “Items matching a tag” and “Content Search” webpart

Hide the SharePoint Search field

If you want to hide the SharePoint search box on a specific page, you can add a content-editor webpart to the page with following code.

Custom search result page in SharePoint (2007 + 2010)

Ever wanted to create your own search result page ? Just to have a layout that looks better, or more tailored to your clients needs. So where do you start ? Well, the code in this blog will show you what xml fields are passed through, so you can xsl-your way around them. Be sure …

Add twitter search to SharePoint 2007’s Federated Search

Woody Windischman at The Sanity Point has written this great and extremely detailed 2-part “how-to” on the inclusion of a twitter- search scope into your SharePoint search results. I do think this has great value, not only for Twitter items, but also the “twitter-for-companies” Yammer or alike.. You can really add some real 2.0 value …