Category: sharepoint designer

Show a message when your Content Query Webpart has no results

Show all subsites on a SharePoint 2010 page without code via SharePoint Designer

I was looking for an easy way to display a list of subsites in SharePoint 2010 and I couldn’t find it. It seemed you could only do that with some webparts or heavy use of custom code. Then I found Michael Wilcox blog who explains how to do it in SharePoint 2007 and I decided to …

Book review: Microsoft SharePoint Designer 2010 Unleashed

Why I stopped using BCS and started loving SharePoint Designer DataSource

In Standard Edition SharePoint, you don’t have the BCS Webparts, so you cannot use parameters to query the exact item you need. I only found a way to get the item via a load of all items, and then a filter of those items.
That is when I discovered the Datasources in SharePoint Designer

Add a redirect to SharePoint new item form with datasource in site pages

I have created a new SP2010 aspx page for users to create a new request. When they have filled in the form they should be a redirect to a “thank you” page. I did this via SPD2010, creating a new page with a datasource to the “new” functionality of the request list. So I got …

SharePoint Designer 2010 can no longer connect to SharePoint 2010

I got this error at a client this week: SPD2010 worked really good and I was creating workflows ed. Then I changed the authentication provider from Windows to Claims based security (via powershell). Since then, SPD will no longer connect to my SharePoint. IT gives me the following information-level error in the Microsoft Office Alerts …

Extend SharePoint Designer with custom activities