Category: jquery / javascript

SharePoint (2007 + 2010) Jquery presave action to validate items before you save it

What are you talking about? A new feature in SharePoint 2010 is the validation option. I already blogged about it but I soon came to some limits. You have 2 kinds of validation settings: – on a column with the restriction that you cannot refer to other fields; great for when you want to check …

Hide fields on new and edit pages in SharePoint (2007 and 2010) via jQuery

What are you talking about? When you are automating a certain process or site in SharePoint, sometimes you want to hide some fields. Let me give you an example: I have a list to keep track of a process, say an RFP. I can enter a new RFP, but when I create a new one, …

Write Html code in SharePoint 2010

What are you talking about? Last year I wrote a blogpost concerning the PathToSharePoint solution to parse html on a SharePoint page. That solution was great and was working really well. It wasn’t however working in SharePoint 2010. They have released a new script, specifically for SharePoint 2010! What is it ? Say, you want …

Prepopulate fields in SharePoint with Querystring values via Jquery

What are you talking about? Paul Grenier over at EndUserSharePoint discussed in length a lot of great stuff you can do with Jquery and SharePoint. This is one of the really cool things I used at a client: This code is used to prepopulate values you put in the querystring into SharePoint fields. This is …