Category: sharepoint

Cut off the xxx;# from a datasource field lookup in SharePoint

If you work with SharePoint and SharePoint Designer to create your own pages to show fields, you probably want to do the same with lookup fields. But if you add a lookup field, you get a nasty code referencing to the item number included in the field. Luckily, in SharePoint Designer you have access to the code …

Hide the Content Type field in the editform via jQuery

Hi again, Another blogpost here about jQuery. After my blogpost about hiding fields in the Editform, I got a lot of questions on how to hide the Content Type field. For instance, when you create a folder content type, you will always have the choice to select the default content type “folder”. So let us …

Ways to get sharepoint 2010 fields in jQuery: Editform vs Dispform

Hi again, All about jQuery these days.This is such a powerful language to do a lot of cool things on SharePoint! After my blogpost about hiding fields in the Editform in SharePoint, I got some questions on how to hide fields in the Dispform too. So let us check out what happens in SharePoint and …

SharePoint (2007 + 2010) Jquery presave action to validate items before you save it

What are you talking about? A new feature in SharePoint 2010 is the validation option. I already blogged about it but I soon came to some limits. You have 2 kinds of validation settings: – on a column with the restriction that you cannot refer to other fields; great for when you want to check …

Hide fields on new and edit pages in SharePoint (2007 and 2010) via jQuery

What are you talking about? When you are automating a certain process or site in SharePoint, sometimes you want to hide some fields. Let me give you an example: I have a list to keep track of a process, say an RFP. I can enter a new RFP, but when I create a new one, …

Prepopulate fields in SharePoint with Querystring values via Jquery

What are you talking about? Paul Grenier over at EndUserSharePoint discussed in length a lot of great stuff you can do with Jquery and SharePoint. This is one of the really cool things I used at a client: This code is used to prepopulate values you put in the querystring into SharePoint fields. This is …

open an InfoPath directly in browser via a link

On a recent project I had to open an InfoPath form via a link I made on a calculated field. Making the link is not that hard, but it would only give me the choice to open or save the would not make the infopath open itself in the browser. The solution is to …

Save 5 to 6 times more time when working with SharePoint ! (using vs. browser)

The people over at Mainsoft have conducted a study over at SP Technology conference in Boston to find out how much faster you can work with SharePoint using their tool The outcome is well worth sharing!!Out of 103 lab-rats, the results are: – It takes an average 61 seconds to upload an email on …

Service Account recommendations for SharePoint 2007 – 2010

Todd Klindt just wrote on his blog a list of recommended service accounts. This list is useful for new SharePoint installations: You can mail the list to the client so they can come up with the accounts before you go in to install.

Skills for SharePoint ?

Yorick over at has a good take on necessary skills for a succesfull SharePoint project. With products like Exchange or OCS you just need a technical guy (or gall) to implement and monitor the solution. With SharePoint, we are on a new level.. The skills you need (which means you probably need a team, …