Category: quick tip

Missing some buttons on the SharePoint ribbon ? Try zooming out

Quick and dirty CSS to display SharePoint column titles vertically

Filteren op [ik] in SharePoint 2010 werkt niet

Bij een nederlandstalige klant hadden we een bizar fenomeen dat bij views gefilterd op [ik] er niets werd teruggegeven.

De truc hier ligt hem erin om [ik] te vervangen door [Mij]. Desondanks dat dit in SharePoint zo wordt gedocumenteerd werkt het anders niet.

Free fix for view selection on pages with more then 1 webpart in SharePoint 2010

Hide Recently modified items in SharePoint 2010 wiki

What are you talking about ? In SharePoint 2010, when you are working with a wiki or Site Pages library, a new menu appears on the quick launch navigation telling you which documents were recently modified. That is great to know, but if you are using the library for publishing purposes, your end-users don’t need …

quick tip: hide the quicklaunch bar in SharePoint 2010

If you want to hide the left quicklaunch bar on a page (for instance the home page of your intranet), you can choose a publishing page with no left bar.

But what if you want to use a webpart page ? Or when you started out with a team site?

Open non-office files in SharePoint 2010

Since we made the move to SharePoint 2010, we had some issues (both technical and functional) with the implementation. One of those issues was that our PDF documents could not open in a webpage. We just got the option to save the document, but not open it! Todd Klindt just wrote a solution for this issue …

Fantastic 40 templates on SharePoint 2010