Category: PowerShell

Use PnP Powershell to add a document library webpart to a page (and only show a specific folder)

Using PNP Powershell to create a SharePoint list or library view that groups, filters and sorts


Storing your document templates in SharePoint

As I was busy creating the shownotes for Office 365 Distilled ep30, I heard Steve (my co-presenter) asking about this document templates feature in SharePoint. I meant to write a blogpost about this sooner but it kind of piled up next to the other 100 ideas I want to write down. So here goes! Announced …


Add an external user to multiple sites (via PowerShell)

I have a customer that works a lot with external experts. Every project is a new SharePoint site, and contains multiple external experts. And, that is how life goes, these people tend to change email address from time to time. As a governance rule, we want these experts to stay in touch with their past …

Fix issue with iPads not landing on SharePoint homepage

At a customer, we saw an issue with iPads browsing to a site were not arriving at the homepage of the site. they were landing on the site contents page. To fix this issue, you need to disable 2 site features: mobile browsing  minimal download strategy You can do this manually, for all sites necessary. …


List all external users on all SharePoint sites with PowerShell

I was having a conversation with a client this morning who was concerned around GDPR, which is ofcourse a hot topic now. This client is doing projects together with external consultants and they wanted to get an overview which externals had access to what sites. I couldn’t immediatly find something like that online, so I …


Basic PnP Powershell SharePoint Site Collection creation script

At a customer we recently created a new script to create project sites. Here is a simplified version of the code, mainly for myself for re-use in the future. Let me start with a disclaimer: I am sure the code could be improved a lot, but I like the simplicity and readability of it. If …

Remove and forget external users in Office365