Category: document management

Document scanning: use likert scale instead of numbers

When you are scanning paper documents to use on a DMS platform, a good way to add metadata is using a cover page. For one of our clients, we introduced a client portal, where they would use a dossier management system on SharePoint to add information about different clients. To add the client number on …

DMR: Digital Mail Room and my experiences, the dutch portal for document and content management, had a great article on their expertblog today: Robert van der Griendt, from GriendtEcm wrote about the Digital Mail Room (DMR) and why it is the ideal central gate for workflow and ECM (in dutch). In short, the mail room nowadays is a central spot where …

AIIM’s 10 commandments for an effective DM project

jmancini posted an interesting blog post some time ago on the AIIM blog, about his 10 commandments for an effective DM project: 1.BUILD A STRATEGY 2.NOT ALL CONTENT IS ALIKE 3.THE NEED TO CONTROL IS NOT GOING AWAY – IT WILL GET WORSE 4.PERFECT IS THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD 5.RIPPING OUT AND REPLACING IS …