Category: customization

Hide Recently modified items in SharePoint 2010 wiki

What are you talking about ? In SharePoint 2010, when you are working with a wiki or Site Pages library, a new menu appears on the quick launch navigation telling you which documents were recently modified. That is great to know, but if you are using the library for publishing purposes, your end-users don’t need …

Hide fields on new and edit pages in SharePoint (2007 and 2010) via jQuery

What are you talking about? When you are automating a certain process or site in SharePoint, sometimes you want to hide some fields. Let me give you an example: I have a list to keep track of a process, say an RFP. I can enter a new RFP, but when I create a new one, …

Write Html code in SharePoint 2010

What are you talking about? Last year I wrote a blogpost concerning the PathToSharePoint solution to parse html on a SharePoint page. That solution was great and was working really well. It wasn’t however working in SharePoint 2010. They have released a new script, specifically for SharePoint 2010! What is it ? Say, you want …

Prepopulate fields in SharePoint with Querystring values via Jquery

What are you talking about? Paul Grenier over at EndUserSharePoint discussed in length a lot of great stuff you can do with Jquery and SharePoint. This is one of the really cool things I used at a client: This code is used to prepopulate values you put in the querystring into SharePoint fields. This is …