Category: customization

Get / Set the SharePoint UI language code via jQuery / Javascript

I was searching around how to get and set the SharePoint UI language for a user (the language of SharePoint when a user is logged in) for a multilanguage project. John Liu helped me out on the msdn forum: To set the language for a user (make sure you have the required language packs installed) – …

Hide the SharePoint Search field

If you want to hide the SharePoint search box on a specific page, you can add a content-editor webpart to the page with following code.

Add a redirect on a custom newitem form after you hit the "SharePoint:SaveButton"

At a client, I am building a custom formin SharePoint via a custom newform. One of the requests was that after the form is submitted, users have to be redirected to a “thank you” page. If you insert a dataview, you get a normal “input type=button” which you can customize like I described here. With …

Getting started with jQuery for SharePoint: reference to the jQuery library

After my last few posts about JQuery, I had some remarks from readers asking me what I meant with “reference to the jquery file”. So I think it will be useful to write this post on how to start with SharePoint customization with Jquery. What is Jquery ? JQuery is a JavaScript library, created to …

Javascript on sharepoint page load: spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames.push( ) vs image onload( )

So you want to start customizing a SharePoint page? Let’s say, you want to load or hide something in a page. First steps include adding a content-editor-webpart on the page and adding some code on the source editor: SharePoint provides the “_spBodyOnLoadFunctionNames” array. When the body is loaded, the onload event handler executes each function …

Add a redirect to SharePoint new item form with datasource in site pages

I have created a new SP2010 aspx page for users to create a new request. When they have filled in the form they should be a redirect to a “thank you” page. I did this via SPD2010, creating a new page with a datasource to the “new” functionality of the request list. So I got …

JavaScript to hide SharePoint title column fields in list view

Sometimes you want to show a list on your homepage. You can do that by adding the webpart to the page. But what is also does is show the headers: the column titles. For example, if you add the announcements with some own field, you don’t need those headers. You could create a walkaround by …

SharePoint (2007 + 2010) Jquery presave action to validate items before you save it

What are you talking about? A new feature in SharePoint 2010 is the validation option. I already blogged about it but I soon came to some limits. You have 2 kinds of validation settings: – on a column with the restriction that you cannot refer to other fields; great for when you want to check …